Experiments in home decorating, DIYing, and vintage furniture collecting.

How to make a bad rental kitchen (sort of) nice

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October 11, 2015

For all the charm of this little old 1930s bungalow that my husband and I rented when we first got married, the turquoise countertops were almost a deal-breaker. The kitchen was in a sad, disorganized state for months and I had no idea how to fix it.

So I decided to stop fighting it, accept those ugly laminate counters for what they were, and work with them by adding other quirky accents to liven the place up a little (and focus the eye on the white space of the pantry door).

For some reason, spelling out 'EAT' in large letters in your kitchen is suddenly cool, and I hopped on that bandwagon for a mere $10 worth of wooden block letters from Michael's and sat them on top of the crown molding above the pantry door. I added a knife magnet for organization purposes, and dragged Wes's (stolen?) street sign home from his old high school bedroom where it fit nicely above the cabinets for now. The brass pineapple hook was an eBay steal ($6) and the perfect home for an amazing Crate & Barrel dishtowel (it has all of the measurement conversions you'll ever need, in machine-washable cotton for $6 - it's my kitchen reference library!).

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